Thai Rice Noodles (12 oz)
1/4c rice or white vinegar
2 T hot sauce (we omit, replace with some chinese seasoning)
2 T sugar
2 T grapeseed oil
12 med shrimp
3 stalks scallions
2 eggs, scrambled
1/2 c tofu cubed and soaked in soy (or just some soy sauce)
2 c mung bean sprouts
1/4 c peanuts (we omit, replace with sesame oil)
Boil noodles to half done (4 mins), rinse in cold water immediately and toss with oil
Make sauce from vinegar, hot sauce/chinese seasoning, sugar, oil - nuke until sugar dissolves
Heat oil in wok and quickly cook scrambled eggs. Add scallions, then shrimp til cooked, then tofu (or just soy sauce).
Add noodles to hot pan and pour sauce over. Stir fry 4-5 mins.
Heat off. Add hot sesame oil, sprouts, lemon slices.
Gerber Generation Celebration! House Party
14 years ago